The interwebs are full of talk on to-do lists. That’s nice (and sometimes often helpful). A to-do list can help you reach your dreamline. Have you ever thought of using a not-to-do list?
A not-to-do list is a simple list of activities you’d rather not do. Things that get in your way and occupy time. Think of:
- websurfing
- re-shuffling stuff on your desk
- checking your email every few minutes
- having your phone next to your bed
- daily shopping
It’s easy to write down a not-to-do list. But how can you prevent yourself from doing something on the list? A simple option is to learn a new habit with each unwanted activity. For example, each time you start websurfing, you also get some coffee (as a new habit). This new habit then allows you to reflect on websurfing and consciously decide not to-do it.
Try it. It may work.
Image courtesy of GregMontani